Finding Locations
Fields can be pinpointed on online maps using Ordnance Survey grid references or What3Words locations via the website or smartphone app. What3Words is FREE and is now used by all the emergency services so it is great for your own safety in the event of an accident or getting lost, where grid references may be difficult to use in a stressful situation. Every 3m square on the planet has been given a unique three word reference which is easy to read and pass on to someone else. You can also drive to What3Words locations by tapping on Navigate in the app which then uses Google Maps, Apple Maps or Waze to navigate to your destinaton. If you need any help using these just give us a call.
Alternatively traditional paper OS Maps can be purchased and they cost approximately £9 each. Currently we are working from 14 maps but you may only need a couple for your area depending how far you like to travel for your shooting.
Once you have become accustomed to finding our locations both on the map and on the land, then armed with the necessary equipment and a modicum of fieldcraft, you can look forward to achieving similar to (or maybe better than!) this modest bag demonstrated by NPPC member Michael Fenwick.